Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My EDM 310 Blog Assignments are Now Complete

This has been one of the best classes I have ever had. I really had a great time meeting everyone of you. I learned so much from this class and Dr. Strange. I'm sure I will see some of you in the upcoming semester. Good Luck!!!!

What I learned in EDM 310

Where do I start? Wow, I learned so much in this class!!!

1.) Practice, Practice, Practice!!!! HAHAHAHA
2.) How to create blogs, podcasts and how to set up an igoggle page.
3.) The many wonderful, FREE, things you can do in Google
4.) Dr. Strange's view on Burp Back Education!
5.) How to figure interest rates and loans

And much more!!

There was mot really anything else that I would have liked to learn about.

Plusses and Minuses of Classroom Blogs

After thinking about whose blog I wanted to read, I decided to read Adrienne Lynch's Blog. I think there are many plusses with using blogs in the classroom. I feel that this is the perfect way to keep parents informed with what their children are doing. They can also keep up with what assignments their children have.

The only minus I could think about would be that some students may not have a computer at home. They could though, have a time allowed at school to work on this if it was required.

I will most definetly be using a blog when I become a teacher. I hope this will teach my students as well as help them keep up with their assignments and homework that I will be posting to the blog. I will also use this to help keep my students parents informed.

Overall, I think Classroom Blogs are WONDERFUL!!!!!

EDM 310 Podcast

I really enjoyed creating my first podcast. Even though I was really nervous at first, it turned out to be really fun. The first podcast i listened to was the one I participated in. I think overall we did pretty well, but it made me realize that you really have to know what you are talking about to have a 15 minute conversation about it.

The next podcast I listened to was the one about Randy Pausch's Last Lecture. I enjoyed listening to it as much the second time as I did the first. I think they did a great job. The only thing I can say about it was that they could have been a little more serious.

Next was the podcast about using Facebook as an educational tool. This was very informative to me because I never thought something like Facebook or MySpace could have ever been used as an Educational Tool.

Overall, I think we all had things we could have done a little better, but knowing that it was everyone's first time, I thought we did pretty good.

ACCESS Assignment

I visited the Access Lab or Distant Learning LAb as some may call it at B.C. Rain High School in Mobile. I met with Ms. who is the teacher over the lab.

During my visit, there were no students in the class but she was able to show me a little bit about how everything worked. I thought that the lab was very interesting and I would have loved to have something like this when I was in school.

I wish I would have had the opportunity to visit the lab as class was in session so I could have seen its full benifits. I would like to go back in the future.

Overall, I think it is a good opportunity for students to take classes using the ACCESS Lab that they may have not been offered at their school.